NorthShore Medical Group now offers sclerotherapy treatment

White Salmon, WA, June 11, 2018: NorthShore Medical Group (NSMG), a community-based practice serving residents of the Columbia River Gorge, is pleased to announce that Dr. Alicia Gimenez will be providing sclerotherapy treatment in the White Salmon office. 

Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure done by a professionally trained healthcare provider to treat and remove unwanted spider veins and reticular veins (flat blue veins under the surface of the skin) of people’s legs. These veins can be painful, described as aching or cramping in the legs. Other common symptoms include tiredness, restlessness, burning, throbbing, tingling, or heaviness in the legs. 

Spider and reticular veins can be caused by many factors. Gender heredity, age, obesity and prolonged standing or sitting. The procedure involves the injection of a solution into the affected veins and most people can expect a 75% improvement over time after 2-3 treatments. 

These treatments will help patients who are bothered by the appearance and discomfort of their spider veins to help feel their best. And, patients will no longer have to go to Portland for this treatment. Services also available in Spanish.  Learn more about Sclerotherapy. 


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