One Community Health (OCH) offers virtual visits and rapid screening to patients to help fight the spread of COVID-19

OCH will also waive patient out-of-pocket costs on virtual visits for the next 30 days

 Hood River, OR, March 16, 2020 – In an effort to reduce community exposure to COVID-19 and protect vulnerable populations, One Community Health (OCH) announced today that they will begin offering patients virtual (video-based) visits along with rapid in-person screening. Virtual visits can be used as a first line option to assess patients experiencing symptoms that are common to COVID-19 (fever, cough, shortness of breath), can help vulnerable patients continue to receive care, and give patients a convenient way to receive care from home.

Max Janasik, CEO of One Community Health stated, “We were planning to offer Virtual Visits later in the year, but our teams have been working around the clock to accelerate the launch of virtual visits and expand care choices for our patients. We will begin seeing patients over video visits Monday, March 16th.  Given how fast we’re moving, we will have some bumps along the way, but this new option can help reduce community exposure. To remove any financial barriers to access and encourage patients to try virtual visits we will also be waiving patient out-of-pocket costs for the next 30 days, March 16 through April 16.”

Virtual visits will be used to quickly assess whether symptoms appear to require additional testing or can likely be managed at home. Virtual visits also allow patients to connect with OCH’s behavioral health consultants for help with COVID-19 related anxiety, social isolation and a variety of other behavioral conditions.

“We understand that COVID-19 is creating a lot of stress, anxiety and loneliness.  We will be available to help patients through this, in addition to supporting patients with many other common challenges. Our behavioral health consultants will be available through virtual visits and out-of-pocket fees will also be waived for behavioral health virtual visits for the next 30 days,” said Lucas O’Laughlin, Director of Behavioral Health Services for OCH. 

In addition to virtual visits, patients with symptoms common to COVID-19 will also have the option for rapid screening at OCH’s main clinics in Hood River and The Dalles. At rapid screening stations, OCH can perform a rapid flu test, quick physical examinations (e.g., listen to lungs, check ears, nose and throat), and if appropriate test or coordinate testing for COVID-19.  OCH asks that patients schedule an appointment for this rapid screening.

Patients should call or text OCH at 541.386.6380 to schedule a virtual visit or a rapid screening. 

About One Community Health

One Community Health (OCH) is a nonprofit, Federally Qualified Health Center with locations in The Dalles and Hood River, Ore. Formerly known as La Clínica del Cariño Family Health Care Center, Inc., it was founded in 1986 and, today, has evolved into an official Patient-Centered Primary Care Home. OCH currently provides services to more than 12,000 patients. In addition, OCH excels in providing educational programs and support that reflect its integrated approach to health and wellbeing. Dedicated to advancing health and social justice for all its community members, OCH serves patients from the Mid-Columbia River Gorge Region: Wasco, Hood River, Klickitat and Skamania Counties.  

For the latest updates, guidance, and useful information about COVID-19, please visit our Resource Center HERE.


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