LGBTQ+ Community Care


One Community Health is committed to supporting and advocating for the LGBTQ+ community. OCH is taking many steps to provide thoughtful health care and advocate for the needs of the LGBTQ+ community. This includes staff receiving regular and up-to-date training, as well as the continued expansion of gender-affirming and LGBTQ+ supportive care.

View a list of our programs below, or call us at 541.386.6380.

Integrated Behavioral Health Services

In-clinic and virtual visits with OCH's Behavioral Health Consultants (BHCs) can help with stress management, conversations about gender identity, and gender dysphoria. They can also provide letters of support for those wanting surgery to support gender expression. BHCs can help you learn to thrive in who you want to be and be the best version of yourself.

  • The BHC is not a traditional counselor or therapist, but a member of your primary care team who helps you with problems that affect your overall health. The BHC works closely with your primary care provider to improve health concerns.

STD Screenings and Family Planning Access

Our medical team offers screening and treatment for all STDs, PrEP for appropriate patients, and a wide variety of family planning options.

School-Based Behavioral Health Services

Our BCHs are providing in-person and telehealth support services that allow children to conveniently access credentialed behavioral health professionals while at school. We provide a wide range of services that include mental/behavioral health support as well as age-appropriate reproductive health and counseling.


For in-person visits, OCH has a School-Based Health Center (SBHC) located at Hood River Valley High School. Students enrolled in Hood River County School District are eligible to receive services at SBHC. Click here to learn more, or to schedule an IN-PERSON appointment.


OCH also offers virtual behavioral health services for several schools in Hood River County (Hood River Middle School and Wy'East Middle School) and Wasco County (The Dalles Middle School, The Dalles High School, Maupin School, and Dufur School). Click here to learn more, or to schedule a VIRTUAL appointment.

Gender-Affirming Care

OCH providers offer gender-affirming care, including both initiation and maintenance of hormone therapy. We also offer referrals to gender-affirming care specialists. Providers who can offer hormone initiation and maintenance are noted below.

Assistance with ID Changes

Our team can help you obtain legal ID changes through the county, DMV, as well as passports.